Find all the Ct Scan Spine Cervical labs and prices offered by them in your city, by clicking on the links below.
The cost of CT Scan Spine Cervical in India varies from ₹ 1553 to ₹ 3500 in 21 cities of India.
The lowest price of CT Scan Spine Cervical, amongst the metro cities, is at Delhi. CT Scan Spine Cervical Costs ₹ 1553 in Delhi. The market price is much higher at ₹ 6000. You are getting a discount of 74% in Delhi.
The most expensive city in India for CT Scan Spine Cervical, amongst the metro cities, seems to be Chennai. CT Scan Spine Cervical Costs ₹ 3500 in Chennai. By booking through us you still save on the market price of ₹ 3500.
The average cost of CT Scan Spine Cervical in India is ₹ 1553 if booked through us. The average market price in India is much higher at ₹ 6000.
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